Friday, September 08, 2006

TV debacle per ABC program on Sept. 11 (reprinted without permission)

ABC: Tell the Truth About 9/11

Contributed by Working Assets

On September 10th and 11th, ABC -- which is owned by Disney -- is planning to air a "docu-drama" called "Path to 9/11," which is being billed as "an objective telling of the events of 9/11." In fact, the film was written by an unabashed conservative who twists the facts to blame President Clinton.

In fact, the list of counterterrorism initiatives undertaken by the Clinton administration is lengthy and comprehensive. Regrettably, the record shows that most of these efforts were watered down or abandoned by the Bush administration when they came into office. History will also record that President Bush was the one who received -- and while on vacation, chose to ignore -- a Presidential Daily Briefing on August 6, 2001 entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US."

ABC's new six-hour film was apparently screened in advance only to conservative bloggers and journalists -- and received extensive praise from none other than Rush Limbaugh. ABC is advertising the film as being "based on the 9/11 Commission report" -- yet also admits that it's a "docu-drama," in which writers and producers are free to invent and distort facts. Former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke has already completely refuted one of the key scenes of the movie.

It's simply stunning to think that as this fall's election approaches, a major television network would devote six hours of prime-time programming to air such a slanted and inaccurate program. There is simply no way that a conservative writer, with an anti-Clinton axe to grind, should be allowed to use public airwaves to broadcast a gross distortion of the truth -- especially on the anniversary of the worst day in our history.Call to action:Send a message to ABC asking them to cancel the show.


Additional Information:

We urge you to personalize the letter and express your views on this topic in your own words.
If you would like to also contact your local ABC affiliate and request that they cancel the show, a listing of those affiliates is here.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Fierce Urgency of Now (reprinted without permission)

The Fierce Urgency of Now - By Dr. Robin Meyers, 9/6/06

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used this memorable phrase to describe a moment when people of conscience would need to take action NOW, and not take what he called "the tranquilizing drug of gradualism."

Another such moment in human history has arrived, as the Bush administration moves the world closer to annihilation, hijacking both the American Dream, and the peace-making heart of True Faith.

For five years now, we have watched the most secretive, the most belligerent, the most paranoid, the most inept administration in American history destroy both our reputation around the world, and any chance to repairing the rift between the West and Militant Islam. George W. Bush is a terrorist's dream. Osama Bin Laden would love to see him become president for life.

Unfortunately, while millions of Americans are finally waking up to this nightmare, many of them still believe that just complaining about it, or signing a petition, or shuffling a few politicians, or writing a letter to a president who doesn't read will save the day. It won't.

What I have called the first "Christian Fascist" regime in America is depending on all of us to think we have done something good just by saying, "Isn't it awful!"Ramsey Clark put it best. Has democracy become a "spectator sport," or "will we be players?"

One organization in this country believes we should be players, and they believe in the "fierce urgency of now." The World Can't Wait: Drive Out the Bush Regime is calling us all to march again, to participate in the largest-ever anti-Bush rally on October 5.

But first we need to organize. At 7 pm on September 7, meetings will be held around the country to plan for a mass protest just one month later, on October 5. Go the and find out where those meeting are being held, or organize one yourself!

Make a contribution to World Can’t Wait, because those full-page ads in the New York Times cost money, and the forces arrayed against us are well-financed.

But whatever you do, don't do nothing. The time for doing nothing has passed. This is our moment.

This is the "fierce urgency of now."

The World Can't Wait: Drive Out the Bush Regime!

Dr. Robin Meyers is the minister of Mayflower UCC Church, Oklahoma City, Professor of Rhetoric in the Philosophy Department at Oklahoma City University, and author of WHY THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT IS WRONG: A Minister's Manifesto for Taking Back Your Faith, Your Flag, Your Future.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Thursday In Kenwood

Thursday, Sept. 7, '06
5:00 - 7:30 p., Heimlich fundraiser
per Frances and Craig Lindner and MA gov M.Romney
bud - $1000, special bud - $2000

Directions to Lindner's, 7725 Buckingham Rd., 45243

FROM the South via I-71 North
-Exit 12 (Montgomery Road)
-Turn Right onto Montgomery Road
FROM the North via I-71 South
-Exit 12 (Montgomery Road)
-Turn Left onto Montgomery Road
-Turn Right onto East Galbraith Road
-Galbraith becomes Kugler Mill Road
-Turn Left onto Buckingham Road
-7725 Buckingham is on the left

The sign will likely be on Montgomery and Galbraith.

Busy evening for the moneybags.

Wednesday, September 6

5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Judge P. Judge Patrick Dinkelacker
The University Club, 401 East Fourth Street, $250.

5:30 - 7:00 Rep. M Taylor for State Auditor
Queen City Club 331 East Fourth $250 ($350 for 2).

The smoke is due to the fire.

Remeber this? (from Democracy

Fearing Prosecution, US Drafts Amendments to War Crimes Act .

Could US officials be charged with war crimes? The Bush administration appears to be taking the possibility seriously. According to the Washington Post, the Bush administration has drafted amendments to the 1996 War Crimes Act. The law criminalizes violations of the Geneva Conventions and threatens the death penalty to US officials if U.S.-held detainees die in custody from abusive treatment. The White House is proposing changes that would narrow the scope of punishable offenses. The new list would exclude humiliating or degrading treatment of prisoners. Military law experts believe the Bush administration is effectively re-writing parts of the Geneva conventions.