Friday, February 17, 2006

Just another day.

Cheney's target is out of the hospital and saying he is sorry for all the trouble. Helluva guy.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Power Monsters Rise Again

The big news today is that Scooter may not have leaked classified information about Valerie Plame, because the VP, in his mind or in some undocumented discussions, may have decided to unclassify the information already.

In a related move, a right wing republican Senator from Ohio (his name rhymes with "da-swine" "de-nyin") has proposed passing legislation to make it legal to ignore existing legislation passed last year to provide judicial oversight of clandestine spying on Americans in America.

Coming at things from the other direction, the UN issued a report calling for the immediate closure of the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay due to it being a torture camp. Of all da nerve. Don't they know we're at war with everyone who is not on our side, and we can do whatever the hell we want? (That brings us back to the power of the administration to make, break, and recast the rules, retroactively of course, to keep us all safe.)

There are other worthy topics... Katrina disaster madness, "new" Abu Ghraib pictures, Iraq death squads, Nepal's Maoist rebels, insulting cartoons, more right wing pressure across England and Europe (they insist they are separate), and bad marks for No Child Left Behind, but you can read the google news as well as anyone, and you sure don't need me to think for you.

More fun later,


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Blogging - Is it a waste of time?

I read the news today, oh boy...
No, wait, that's a Beatles song.

Anyway, Cheney's character (or lack thereof) continues to unfold. Supreme Court (what a name) justice Scalia has volunteered to draw a little heat by calling his political opponents idiots and describing the constitution as not being a living document. (That would make it "dead" Antonin, which is fitting, I suppose, as the Bush administration is bent on trampleing it into the dust.)

Beyond that, all kinds of bad stuff happening in the world, as usual.

See the Cincinnati Anti-War site (linked on the right) for today's sign of the times event.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day

Here it is, February 14, 2006, and Americans are still killing and being killed in the middle east. I've been busy with work, social activities, and the olympics, so I'm not paying much attention, but I did hear that the Cheney shooting victum had a "minor" heart attack this morning. The pundits are having a field day with that, but the White House is gettng mad. Look out Jay, Dave, and Jon, you could be next.

Also, four more American soldiers in a Humvee were killed by explosion, I think in Afghanistan, and Saddam is on a hunger strike.

Yesterday on NPR I heard Ramsey Clark going on about the Saddam trial. Boy, did he have a lot to say. The interviewer tried to get him to say the trial was OK and Saddam was clearly guilty and so on, but he'd have none of it. He kept going on about millions of deaths in the Iran-Iraq war, American policy going back decades, and the total illegality of the current trial of Saddam, and how bad it makes the west look to the rest of the world. Google Ramsey Clark and Saddam to get a load of that.

The Katrina investigation is supposedly wrapped up, with condemnation all round, but try telling that to the Bushies. It was everybody elses fault, of course.

Corruption in Ohio politics, churches burning in Alabama, and the Bush crowd rolls on. As that drunken country lout Earl would say, "Wake up, America."

Monday, February 13, 2006

Cheney shoots companion.

How typical and ironic. Let's not let that man carry a gun. Let's instead indict him for crimes against humanity, deception, warmongering, murder, treason, and theft.
Just a thought.