Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Fierce Urgency of Now (reprinted without permission)

The Fierce Urgency of Now - By Dr. Robin Meyers, 9/6/06

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used this memorable phrase to describe a moment when people of conscience would need to take action NOW, and not take what he called "the tranquilizing drug of gradualism."

Another such moment in human history has arrived, as the Bush administration moves the world closer to annihilation, hijacking both the American Dream, and the peace-making heart of True Faith.

For five years now, we have watched the most secretive, the most belligerent, the most paranoid, the most inept administration in American history destroy both our reputation around the world, and any chance to repairing the rift between the West and Militant Islam. George W. Bush is a terrorist's dream. Osama Bin Laden would love to see him become president for life.

Unfortunately, while millions of Americans are finally waking up to this nightmare, many of them still believe that just complaining about it, or signing a petition, or shuffling a few politicians, or writing a letter to a president who doesn't read will save the day. It won't.

What I have called the first "Christian Fascist" regime in America is depending on all of us to think we have done something good just by saying, "Isn't it awful!"Ramsey Clark put it best. Has democracy become a "spectator sport," or "will we be players?"

One organization in this country believes we should be players, and they believe in the "fierce urgency of now." The World Can't Wait: Drive Out the Bush Regime is calling us all to march again, to participate in the largest-ever anti-Bush rally on October 5.

But first we need to organize. At 7 pm on September 7, meetings will be held around the country to plan for a mass protest just one month later, on October 5. Go the and find out where those meeting are being held, or organize one yourself!

Make a contribution to World Can’t Wait, because those full-page ads in the New York Times cost money, and the forces arrayed against us are well-financed.

But whatever you do, don't do nothing. The time for doing nothing has passed. This is our moment.

This is the "fierce urgency of now."

The World Can't Wait: Drive Out the Bush Regime!

Dr. Robin Meyers is the minister of Mayflower UCC Church, Oklahoma City, Professor of Rhetoric in the Philosophy Department at Oklahoma City University, and author of WHY THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT IS WRONG: A Minister's Manifesto for Taking Back Your Faith, Your Flag, Your Future.


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