Friday, May 05, 2006

More old news, more new news....

New News: Ray McGovern speaks truth to power:

And this blast from the recent past:

Former US Vice President Al Gore delivered a major foreign policy address in New York City on May 26, 2004 , sponsored by MoveOn PAC, linking the Abu Ghraib prison abuses to deep flaws in President Bush's Iraq policy and calling for the resignation of 6 members of the Bush Administration responsible for the failed policy and abuse of prisoners in Iraq.

Note that this was about 2 years ago, when popular support for the administration was still pretty high.

George W. Bush promised us a foreign policy with humility. Instead, he has brought us humiliation in the eyes of the world.

He promised to "restore honor and integrity to the White House." Instead, he has brought deep dishonor to our country and built a durable reputation as the most dishonest President since Richard Nixon.

The President convinced a majority of the country that Saddam Hussein was responsible for attacking us on September 11th. But in truth he had nothing whatsoever to do with it. The President convinced the country with a mixture of forged documents and blatantly false assertions that Saddam was in league with Al Qaeda, and that he was "indistinguishable" from Osama bin Laden.

He asked the nation , in his State of the Union address, to "imagine" how terrified we should be that Saddam was about to give nuclear weapons to terrorists and stated repeatedly that Iraq posed a grave and gathering threat to our nation. He planted the seeds of war, and harvested a whirlwind. And now, the "corrupt tree" of a war waged on false premises has brought us the "evil fruit" of Americans torturing and humiliating prisoners.

Remarks by Al GoreMay 26, 2004
Full transcript:

Thursday, May 04, 2006

And the beat goes on...

Check this out...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Latest Amnesty International Report-

US: Government creating "climate of torture"

So much for being "good" guys.

Heads still in the sand...

Upcoming possibilities for antiwar attention:

Monday, May 15, 2006, 7:00 p.m.

Book signing, John Kasich (former Ohio congressman)
Barnes and Noble, 7800 Montgomery Road

Wednesday, May 17, 2006, 5-7 p.m.

$175/person fundraiser, Bob Winkler for Judge
Havana Martini Club in the Carew Tower, 5th St.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

republican volunteer event, 700 Walnut Street

Monday, May 22, 2006, 6:00 p.m.

$75/person or $100/couple PAC fundraiser
and Iraq war booster event
Sharonville Convention Center, 11355 Chester Road

Monday, May 01, 2006

president as above the law


Boston Globe story... (requires registration with that paper)